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14.00 till the finish

The last few hours of the race were unlike the rest of the race rather quiet. The only real incident occurred at 15.50 when the #22 Ferrari came in and almost lost its second place. Behind the leading duo, another surprising Porsche, the #72 Seikel took third spot on the podium.

The top-5:
1 #50 N-GT Freisinger Motorsport Porsche GT3
2 #22 GT BMS Scuderia Italia Ferrari 550 Ma
3 #72 N-GT Seikel Motorsport Porsche GT3
4 #1 GT Larbre Competition Chrysler Viper
5 #126 Zakspeed Chrysler Viper (winner in national GT)

Where the Belgian drivers did not finish on the overall podium for the first time in 10 years, the honours in the National GT and single makes went twice to Belgian drivers in a German team. 5th overall and winning the national GT were as mentioned before Mollekens and de Radigues. Second was the AD Porsche of Wauters-Wauters-Vanierschot and Dutchman Menten and third the RTM Porsche of Nelissen Grade-Van bellingen and de Gastines.

In the SMS, Sylvie Delcour and Loïc Deman, partnered by Scharmach won on a Land Porsche 996 GT-3 Cup. Two French teams took the other podium places, the Alméras Porsche and the Ruffier Porsche.

This was a great race and to much happened to sum it up again. But we will certainly not forget the Leinders-History, the crashes, the weather and an unbelievable win of an N-GT car. See you all next year,

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